Rural Area Recruitment

Posted by: Park Evaluations

By: Hali Francis One hurdle faced with PERM Recruitment is finding print options in rural areas, as these areas often have limited advertising options. At Park, we approach rural areas with a comprehensive search. The U.S. Census Bureau does not provide a definition for “rural,” but it does state that rural areas include all geographic areas that are not classified as urban. Urban areas are classified as densely developed territory and include residential, commercial, and other nonresidential urban land uses. Each area must encompass at least 2,000 housing units or at least 5,000 people to be considered urban. Small towns that fall outside of those requirements can otherwise be considered rural. For example, we had a client who needed to advertise in Potter ...

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Extraordinary Ability Evidence Not So Extraordinary?

Posted by: Park Evaluations

Written by: Hailey Sylvander Have you ever had a time when you believed your client exhibited extraordinary ability, but the evidence just wasn’t quite there? Maybe the evidence just did not match up perfectly with what USCIS is typically looking for, or maybe you had minimal evidence that needed to be used for more than one criterion… If so, how do you handle this? Park Evaluations recently handled an O-1A letter in the field of equity research that dealt with this very problem. The petitioner wanted the following criteria to be discussed: original contributions, leading or critical role; authorship of scholarly articles; published material about the candidate; membership; and salary. However, some ...

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Recruitment Requirements for PERM: Professional vs. Non-Professional

Posted by: Park Evaluations

By: Samantha Collins The Department of Labor and the PERM process have distinct recruitment requirements for professional and non-professional job positions, primarily based on educational criteria. Professional Jobs:These roles require at least a Bachelor's degree and involve a more comprehensive recruitment process compared to non-professional positions. Required Advertising: Newspaper Ads:Place ads on two different Sundays in a widely circulated newspaper within the area of intended employment. The publication should be suitable for reaching qualified U.S. workers for the specific occupation. For rural areas without a Sunday edition, use the newspaper with the widest circulation in that region.

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Understanding “Research Only” Ph.D. Programs: A Closer Look

Posted by: Park Evaluations

By: Howard Borenstein I would like to devote this blog post to discussing the “research only” Ph.D. programs. The impetus for this is that over the past month, we have received two RFE’s specifically on Greek Ph.D. programs claiming that a Ph.D. from Greece was not equivalent to a Ph.D. in the US. This is despite the fact that Greece only offers research-based and not classroom-based Ph.D. programs. AACRAO EDGE is clear that the Ph.D. degree from Greece is indeed equivalent to an earned doctorate in the United States. The nature of the challenges I have seen, in my opinion, reveals USCIS’ specific understanding of higher education. Namely, that a bachelor’s ...

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Park Evaluations: Delivering Comprehensive Solutions for a High-Stakes Immigration Case 

Posted by: Park Evaluations

By: Nikki Ummell In recent months, Park Evaluations demonstrated unparalleled versatility and efficiency, particularly as we approached the bustling H-1B season. While we are known for our exceptional credential evaluations, expert opinion letters, and PERM recruitment services, a recent translation project showcased our ability to provide holistic solutions to complex immigration cases.  The Challenge: A Multifaceted Translation Project  A prominent law firm, in collaboration with a Fortune 500 company, faced the daunting task of facilitating the sale of a subsidiary, necessitating the translation of over 1,000 pages of critical business and legal documents from twelve different languages. This project was not just about translating content; it required a nuanced understanding of legal terminologies and business concepts across ...

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ABCs of the PERM Labor Certification Process with Krystal Alanis of Reddy & Neumann, P.C.

Posted by: Park Evaluations | in , , , , , , ,

We all know that the PERM Process can be a long and daunting path to US citizenship. One of Park’s own, Emily Yam Grant, recently consulted  with Krystal Alanis, Partner at Reddy & Neumann, P.C., to get a better understanding of the details, timing, and amazing legal work immigration attorneys undertake to get candidates to the finish line. Not all heroes wear capes! Q: Can you give a general overview of the PERM Labor Certification process?

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Declaring “National Importance” with an Employer-Focused Proposed Endeavor

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By: Hailey Sylvander We recently facilitated an interesting expert opinion letter for one of our clients’ National Interest Waiver (NIW) petitions. The beneficiary worked in mechanical engineering and robotics, specifically as it applies to biotechnology – a field with countless benefits to the United States, its economy, and its society. While demonstrating the national importance of this work would not normally be a challenge for our experts, the stated endeavor at the heart of this petition carried a strong focus on the beneficiary’s work for the petitioning company. And supporting a “proposed endeavor” that is employer-focused does require extra care, as USCIS often does, and most likely would ...

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Credential Evaluation Update: Equivalency Changes to Indian MCA Degrees

Posted by: Park Evaluations

By: Howard Borenstein In a 2020 development, India’s University Grants Commission approved a change in duration for the Indian Master of Computer Applications (MCA) degree— the MCA was shortened to a two-year program. This update is significant as students have now completed and are graduating from this new program. Formerly spanning three years of study, the program has transitioned to a two-year structure, starting with the class of 2020-21. The All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE) stated the decision was prompted by a decrease in enrollment of students coming from backgrounds not related to Computer Science, such as Physics, Mathematics, and Chemistry. When the program was first introduced in ...

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