Tag: Labor Certification

Navigating Print Sunday Ads for PERM Recruitment: Common Questions and Best Practices

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By: Hali Francis For both professional and non-professional positions, print Sunday ads are a required part of the permanent labor certification (PERM) recruitment process. However, meeting this requirement often raises many questions. Below, we’ve compiled some of the most common inquiries, the applicable regulations, and how we at Park Advertising handle these situations. Do the two Sunday ads have to be consecutive? While we at Park Advertising typically run Sunday ads on consecutive weeks, this is not a specific regulatory requirement. The regulation states that an advertisement must be placed on two different Sundays in a newspaper of general circulation in the area of intended employment that is most appropriate for the occupation and is likely to attract qualified U.S. workers [20 CFR ...

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ABCs of the PERM Labor Certification Process with Krystal Alanis of Reddy & Neumann, P.C.

Posted by: Park Evaluations | in , , , , , , ,

We all know that the PERM Process can be a long and daunting path to US citizenship. One of Park’s own, Emily Yam Grant, recently consulted  with Krystal Alanis, Partner at Reddy & Neumann, P.C., to get a better understanding of the details, timing, and amazing legal work immigration attorneys undertake to get candidates to the finish line. Not all heroes wear capes! Q: Can you give a general overview of the PERM Labor Certification process?

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